Using Cyprus as a business headquartering base

Using Cyprus as a business headquartering base


 §  Being in a strategic location, Cyprus is a regional business hub and a very attractive personal/tourist destination

 EU Member

 §  Cyprus has been a Member State of the EU since 2004


 §  Very good airline connectivity

§  All local commercial banks operate an international business unit

§  Highly developed infrastructure technology, telecommunications etc.

§  Digitalization of economy under way – strategic priority of the government

 Company set up

 §  Easy to set up and operate a company in Cyprus

§  Attractive IP Box regime to attract IP companies

§  Attractive relocation tax incentives for Executives

§  English language widely spoken and used as the prevailing business language

 International Business

 §  Cyprus has a modern, transparent and efficient pro-business legal framework based on English common law

§  Included in OECD’s White List of jurisdictions

§  The corporate tax rate is 12.5%. Strong double tax treaty network with more than 60 countries

§  Profits from trading in qualifying “titles” (e.g., shares, bonds, debentures) exempt from tax

§  Dividend income generally exempt from tax

§  Payments to non-Cyprus or non-domiciled Cyprus tax residents generally with no WHT

§  Substance requirements as per global best practices


 §  High availability of multilingual, high-quality professionals, mainly UK and US graduates

§  Efficient migration regime that allows smooth relocation of Executives and families. Capacity to transfer large numbers in certain positions

§  Attractive tax incentives for employees relocating to the island

 Healthcare and Education

 §  High quality healthcare

§  High quality international schooling from kindergarten to university

§  Cyprus is amongst the top in the EU for university graduates per capita


 §  A cosmopolitan island with a great lifestyle

§  Ranked as the 5th safest small country in the world

§  The sunniest country in Europe with 64 blue flag beaches

§  Relatively low cost of living compared to other European business hubs

 Our services

 We can support you through the planning phase as well as providing ongoing support throughout the process.

 §  Planning

§  Forming and registering a company

§  Office premises and technology

§  People and human resources

§  Company compliance

§  Business advisory

§  Financial repoting